  • CZ-56904 Brnenec
  • 14.07.2024
  • Ausschreibung
  • (ID 2-525841)

Saving Schindler´s Ark Competition

  • Projektdaten


    Abgabetermin 14.07.2024 Abgabetermin
    Verfahren Offener Ideenwettbewerb (nur für Studenten)
    Gebäudetyp Museen, Ausstellungsbauten / Wohnungsbau
    Art der Leistung Objektplanung Gebäude / Objektplanung Innenräume
    Sprache Englisch
    The subject of the competition is a design for the transformation of Schindler’s Ark’s premises where 1200 Jews on Schindler’s List were saved into a Museum of Survivors. The vision is to create a memorial to survivors and preserve the legacy of Schindler’s Ark, as well as to create a modern museum dedicated to survivors. At the same time, the South side of the premises will be reconstructed as sustainable, community housing to meet the needs of the region. The sustainability of the project is supported by combining a museum of survivors, a large workshop for jobs including textiles, and prototype modern, sustainable housing to fit the community needs.

    The Schindler’s Ark competition consists of two categories: 1st is the exterior and interior of the Museum of Survivor’s (focus on the interior), 2nd is the prototype, sustainable living village in the South area of the premises.

    The factory lies in the village of Brněnec, which is on the express railway between Brno, Prague and Vienna.. Brněnec is located approximately 15 km northeast of the town of Svitavy, in the Svitavy district, on the south-eastern border of the Pardubice Region, Czech Republic. Brněnec is a small village with a predominantly rural character. Most of the inhabitants commute to nearby towns for work.

    This region is known for its natural beauty, historical monuments and cultural traditions. The surroundings of Brněnec offer opportunities for hiking, cycling and trips into the countryside.

    Geographically, the village is situated in a slightly undulating landscape between the hills of the Svitava Upland and the Žďár Hills. The surrounding landscape is characterized by agricultural land, forests and small ponds. The Svitava River and the Bělský Brook flow through the village.

    The Löw-Beer family textile factory was founded in the 19th century and its main focus was on the production of textiles. The Löw-Beer family was Jewish and Czech and was one of the most important business families in the Czech Republic. Their textile factory became one of the largest employers contributing to the prosperity and development of Brno and the region. During WW2 the factory was occupied by the Nazis and Oskar and Emilie Schindler where they saved the 1200 Jews on Schindler’s List.

    The factory is divided into two units separated by a road. The northern part includes the still standing, authentic, historical buildings - two of them are listed. There is also a former spinning mill hall, warehouse halls and administrative buildings.

    The southern part consists of largely demolished buildings and the last two standing buildings. The main one is the working villa of the Löw-Beer family near the bridge in the southern part. The area is full of debris and wild vegetation. Without any ecological burden.

    The Museum of Survivors
    A Museum of Survivors based on the reconstruction of the historical buildings, namely the Schindler’s Ark building (Northern part of the site, Building number 1), the building that housed the Nazi soldiers (Building number 2) and the square where Oskar Schindler was given the ring by the Jews with the phrase “Whoever Saves a life, saves the world entire”.

    The Sustainable living village
    In the southern site, the assignment is to develop sustainable housing with community facilities to renew the village.


    Competition opened, publication of conditions 25.09.2023

    Submission of competing proposals 14.7.2024

    Announcement of Finalist August 2024

    Competition results announcement Autumn 2024 (per Announcer)


    Adresse des Bauherren CZ-56904 Brnenec

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Ausschreibung veröffentlicht 07.09.2023
Zuletzt aktualisiert 07.09.2023
Wettbewerbs-ID 2-525841 Status Frei
Seitenaufrufe 195