  • IT-30122 Venezia
  • 31.07.2024
  • Ausschreibung
  • (ID 2-551737)

19th Arte Laguna Prize

  • Projektdaten


    Bewerbungsschluss 31.07.2024 Bewerbungsschluss
    Verfahren Award / Auszeichnung (auch für Studenten)
    Berufsgruppen Open to everyone, with no restrictions of age, gender, nationality or any other qualifications
    Art der Leistung Auszeichnung
    Sprache Englisch
    Preisgelder/Honorare 10.000 EUR
    The Cultural Association MoCA, organizes the 19th Edition of Arte Laguna Prize, International Award aimed at promoting and enhancing Contemporary Art.

    The Prize is organized annually with the patronage of the the Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Tourism, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Collaboration, the Ministry of Ecological Transition, the Veneto Region, the Municipality of Venice, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Ca’ Foscari University, Confcommercio Treviso, Confindustria Veneto Est; it obtained a medal from the President of the Italian Republic and recognition by important members of the Advisory Council.

    The contest features collaborations with international art galleries, companies, art residencies, festivals, critical texts, inclusion into the web portal Arte Laguna World and the participation in the finalists collective exhibition at the Arsenale Nord of Venice, Italy.

    The theme is free. Below are the techniques admitted to the competition and the maximum dimensions to be respected:

    works made with technical and stylistic freedom (oil, tempera, acrylic, ink, vinyl, watercolor, graphite, pencil, collage, aquatint, etching and prints of different kind, etc.) on any support (canvas, paper, wood, plastics, iron, etc.). The maximum size allowed is 175 cm per side.

    Sculpture and Installation
    works created with any organic or inorganic material, which may include sounds, lights, videos and mechanical or electrical movements. The maximum size allowed is: base 4 meters, depth 4 meters, height 8 meters and there is no weight limit. The exhibition space does not have dark spaces.

    Photographic Art
    photographs or series of photographs on analog or digital support, colored or black and white photographs. The maximum size allowed is 175 cm per side.

    Video Art and Short films
    Video, film, slow motion, time-lapse, and works created using all animation techniques on both digital and analog mediums, including short films, promotional videos, and computer graphics are accepted. Multi-channel works are not accepted. Maximum duration is 15 minutes. For submission, the video file must be uploaded online and not exceed 500 MB. Finalist works will be exhibited on a TV screen in a loop.

    Performance and Acting (Stage and video)
    Performances realized by one or more artists using any technique and expressive form, with the assistance of any supporting material provided by the artist, are accepted. Finalist artists will perform during the inauguration evening or the following days, presenting a performance version not exceeding 10 minutes. The materials necessary for the performance are the responsibility of the finalist artists. Monologues or scenes up to 10 minutes in any language (with English translation) from any type of theatrical performance or audiovisual work by one or more artists, in any acting style, genre, or technique, are also accepted.

    Virtual and Digital Art
    works entirely created using the computer or digital applications and devices: videos, installations, performances in which the use of digital media plays a key role in the creative process and content; net art, software, interactive devices, videogames, augmented reality projects, rapid prototyping, etc. Additive Art, Bio Art, Data Art, Digital Communities, Digital Performances, Digital Poetry, Game Art, Generative art & Algorithmic Art, Mobile Art & App Art, Net Art, Electronic Art, Robotics Art, XR Art, Blockchain & NFT Art, Metaverse Art, GAN Art & OpenAI Art, Chrypto Art. Works that requires an installation must be adaptable to the available exhibition space.

    Digital Graphics and Cartoon
    Images and works generated or modified using a computer, tablet, smartphone, or applications including Digital Painting, GIF Art, Digital Animation, Infographic Art, Glitch Art, where technological intervention is predominant, are included. This encompasses digital painting, cartoons, comics, GIFs, and photographs where manipulation is predominant. Finalist works will be exhibited on a monitor or printed on a two-dimensional support with a maximum size of 175 cm per side.

    Environmental / Land Art
    Artworks or projects of environmental and landscape art where the artistic intervention interacts with the environment for which it was designed. There are no limitations on the choice of specific environment. The works and projects presented concern nature and its characteristics and more generally the environment or landscape in which they are located. Finalist works will be exhibited on explanatory panels.

    Urban Art and Street Art
    Works or projects of urban art, redevelopment, street art, graffiti, and stencil art where the artistic intervention relates to the urban fabric and public space in which it is conceived and may involve the use of any technique (spray cans, artistic stickers, normographic art, video projections, installations, etc.). There are no limitations on the choice of intervention location. Finalist works will be displayed on explanatory panels.

    Art Design
    Productions originating in the artistic sphere and finding application in the world of design. Works, products, projects where artistic influence and inspiration are evident. Finalists must present the product or a full-scale or scaled-down prototype based on the exhibition choices of the organization.

    *The material necessary for the realization and staging of the finalist works at the Arsenale Nord of Venice is the responsibility of the artists.
    Adresse des Bauherren IT-30122 Venezia

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Ausschreibung veröffentlicht 20.03.2024
Zuletzt aktualisiert 20.03.2024
Wettbewerbs-ID 2-551737 Status Frei
Seitenaufrufe 31