  • LV-3476 Nīca
  • 19.11.2024
  • Ausschreibung
  • (ID 2-565419)

Pape Info Point competition

  • Projektdaten


    Anmeldeschluss 19.11.2024 Anmeldeschluss
    voraussichtliche Entscheidung : 25.02.2025
    Abgabetermin 18.12.2024
    Verfahren Offener Ideenwettbewerb (auch für Studenten)
    Gebäudetyp Tourismus, Gastronomie
    Art der Leistung Objektplanung Gebäude
    Sprache Englisch
    Preisgelder/Honorare 7.000 EUR
    Buildner, in partnership with Pape Nature Park and WWF, presents the Pape Info Point competition. This project invites participants to design a modular, transportable education stand that will effectively promote Pape Nature Park and its conservation efforts. The stand should be adaptable for placement in busy public spaces, at events, or even in the middle of the forest.

    Pape Nature Park, supported by Pasaules Dabas Fonds and associated with WWF, is a biodiversity hotspot in southwestern Latvia. The park spans 10,886 hectares and includes bogs, meadows, and dunes around Lake Pape. It is vital for the conservation of diverse ecosystems and hosts significant populations of migratory birds and large herbivores like wild horses, auroxen, and bison.

    Participants are tasked with designing the Pape Info Point, a small-scale architectural piece that embodies and communicates the conservation and education efforts of Pape Nature Park. The stand should use architecture as a method of storytelling, conveying the park's message through its design as much as through the content displayed on it.

    Pape Info Point must be visually appealing, modular, secure, and mobile, constructed from sustainable materials. The stand should also be easily assemblable and disassemblable, ensuring it can be set up and taken down with minimal effort and should engage and educate the public about the park's natural beauty and ongoing conservation efforts. The winning projects will be constructed, bringing the best idea of the Pape Info Point to life.


    3 winning proposals, 2 special award recipients and 6 honourable mentions will be selected. Buildner will award a total of 7,000 € in prize money to competition winners as follows:

    1st Prize - 3,000 €
    2nd Prize - 1,500 €
    3rd Prize - 1,000 €
    + 6 honourable mentions

    Buildner Student Award - 1000 €
    Buildner Sustainability Award - 500 € 


    Early Bird Registration: June 3 – July 10
    Advance Registration: July 11 – September 25
    Last Minute Registration: September 26 – November 19 

    Final registration deadline: November 19, 2024 
    Closing date for submission: December 18, 2024 (11:59 p.m. GMT) 
    Announcement of the winners: February 25, 2025 


    Adresse des Bauherren LV-3476 Nīca

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Ausschreibung veröffentlicht 19.06.2024
Zuletzt aktualisiert 24.06.2024
Wettbewerbs-ID 2-565419 Status Frei
Seitenaufrufe 36