  • PR-00950-0201 Toa Baja
  • 02/2011
  • Ergebnis
  • (ID 2-59580)

The Puerto Rico Design eXchange 2010 Competition

  • Projektdaten


    Entscheidung 18.02.2011 Entscheidung
    Preisverleihung : 03/2011
    Verfahren Award / Auszeichnung (auch für Studenten)
    Berufsgruppen Architektur, Design, Fotografie, Bauingenieurwesen, Innenarchitektur, Student*in
    For the first time in Puerto Rico, Designers, have the opportunity to exchange their ideas in one place, the Puerto Rico Design eXchange 2010. This is an open design competition for emergent professionals and students in six different categories. The PRDX2010 includes the following categories; Architecture, Fashion Design, Graphic Design, Industrial Design, Interior Design and Photography.

    The competition extends an invitation to Designers, Architects, Engineers, Fashion Designers, Graphic Designers, Industrial Designers, Interior Designers, Photographers and students of all these categories. We encourage Designers around the world to express them by submitting their work and ideas to PRDX2010. Awards are given for excellence across a very broad spectrum in each design category. Entries will be judged by a distinguished jury.

    Informationen und Registrierung:



    Winners and entries selected by the jurors, in the six categories, will be published on the website www.PRDX2010.com.  Winners will be recognized in each of the six categories with a certificate for the First, Second, and Third place for professionals and students.  Also, for this competition, the juror coordinators will choose the best overall project of the six categories and recognize it with the MARUJA FUENTES Special Award for Excellence in Design.  The Puerto Rico Design eXchange 2010 Awards ceremony will be held on March 2010.  Location to be announced.  Everyone who enters is welcomed to see the launch of the PRDX2010 first exhibition.

    Projektadresse PR-00950-0201 Toa Baja
      Entscheidung anzeigen

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Ausschreibung veröffentlicht 07.01.2011
Zuletzt aktualisiert 07.11.2012
Wettbewerbs-ID 2-59580 Status
Seitenaufrufe 482