
Award / Auszeichnung | 04/2012

AIT Award 2012 - Global Award for the very best in Interior and Architecture

. Main access of the Swimming Center.

. Main access of the Swimming Center.

Swimming Center

ES-11160 Barbate (Cadiz), Calle del Torre Tajo s/n

Prize winners category „Sport, Freizeit/Sport, Leisure“ Selection




  • Gebäudetyp:

    Sport und Freizeit

  • Projektgröße:

    keine Angabe

  • Status:


  • Termine:

    Baubeginn: 01/2009
    Fertigstellung: 01/2011


Distinctions / Awards
First Prize Open Ideas Competition
Finalist ENOR Prize 2011. Vigo. Spain

The design of the sports pavilion around BARBATE´S MARSHES aims to resolve two main issues. On one side, the matter of the work appropriate SIZING, and, on the other side, the issue of the perception of approaching a SPACE.
Its location almost marginal in the outskirts of Barbate, determined the design choice of an extensive use of the plot. In fact, the building adapts its size favoring the HORIZONTAL expansion, thus establishing a relationship with the surrounding landscape and its main views. As a result, the SHAPE of the roof reminds the traditional SALTING WAREHOUSES that still are one of the main visual references in the landscape. Moreover, the courtyard with PINES reminds the forest situated close to the site.
The lack of connection between the access of the sports pavilion and the building itself led to the choice of designing a new entry on the eastern side of the building. This area appears as a VOID in the volume, with the effect that the voids that follow gather and lead towards the indoor space. The GREEN AREA situated at the front introduces the visitor and guarantees visual continuity to the void of the main entrance. Hence, the public character of the building and its OPEN SPACE type are properly represented.
The wooded area that welcomes the visitor is characterized by small dunes that change with the intensity of the winds. This area gives CONTINUITY to the interior void from which one enters, providing the building its appropriate identity of public and open space.
One of the main virtues of the project is that it contributes significantly to the upgrade of the quality of this kind of sports facility. Such buildings are traditionally perceived as a dark space almost indifferent to the surrounding environment. In this project, in fact, the accesses, the private spaces, the use of NATURAL LIGHT in the pool area, and the relationship with the outside environment are not merely functional, but respond to sound aesthetic issues.
The complex is articulated in different volumes, each one housing different functions. The volume situated in the western side accommodates changing rooms, control rooms, the administration offices and a fitness center, all distributed around the access COURTYARD. In this volume the swimming pools are also situated. The space is OPEN and CLEAR, illuminated by WARM walls and beams painted in white that allow to reduce the amount of lighting appliances that would normally be required in such areas.
Main access of the Swimming Center.

Main access of the Swimming Center.

View of the east façade.

View of the east façade.

Entrance courtyard.

Entrance courtyard.

Reception area.

Reception area.

Interior courtyard.

Interior courtyard.

Swimming pools area.

Swimming pools area.

Detail of natural lighting effects.

Detail of natural lighting effects.

East façade.

East façade.

Ground Floor.

Ground Floor.

Cross Section.

Cross Section.