
Offener Wettbewerb (auch für Studenten) | 08/2015

Chicago Architecture Biennial Lakefront Kiosk Competition


Kollektiv A Architektur



The Wall as the Maintheme
A building should be poetry! Our Proposal consists out of one materialised
idea: the wall. Our fascination starts with ancient ruins and
temples. objects that are destroyed, but their idea still live in our memories.
Many years a€er the deconstruction and exspacially because
of the short period of the kiosk, people will still remember sitting
in the back of the wall getting protected from the hot sun and noisy
e long black wall seperates two worlds. e hectical and croudy
street and the beautiful and relaxing sea. Here seperated and far
eway from the routines and nuisances of daily life the nature and wilderness
of the ocean becomes a fenced garden. While approaching
the object from the street you perceive the wall from the street as a
thin extruded line, that denes natural and articial environment.
On the beach-site the object is seperated into fragments. Like a ruin
it creates an intime and still open atmosphere. e ruin invites the
visitor to linger a while.

For the Object we propose two di"erent options. e rst option is an
massive object, which is fully created out of layered wood panels. For
that we like to work together with a sponsor from a wood-company.
During the drying-process, wooden panels got stapled and have to
stand for a certain time anyway, so why not use them for constructing
a kiosk? In that way, the big scale object can be realised with
still an minimum amount of cost (only transportation, construction
and eventual damage).