
Offener Wettbewerb | 05/2016

Entwicklung eines Stadtparks / Tervjavaslat benyújtása a Liget Budapest Projekt keretén belül a Városliget, mint városi szintű közpark átfogó, kortárs szemléletű fejlesztésére és rehabilitációjára

Visualization - Sunny meadow

Visualization - Sunny meadow

2. Preis

Preisgeld: 6.000.000 HUF

Lépték - Terv



In our landscape design we wanted to preserve the historical structure of Nebbien's plans and develeped it with contemporary marks, but also kept an eye on sustainability and ecology.
Location and connections of the park

Location and connections of the park

Urban structural relationships / circulation alaysis

Urban structural relationships / circulation alaysis

Histrorical garden preservation

Histrorical garden preservation

Thanks to the complex development of the city park the usage will increase so the preservation of the ecological values needs more focus. To countervail this we divided the park into two territories wich are separated by the main loop path.
In the inner territory serves as a relaxation space where the ecosystem services are in foreground. By this the park itself becames the buzz.
We placed the intensive landuses as sportgrounds, playgrounds, restaurants etc. outside the main loop path.

Functions Thanks to the complex development of the city park the usage will increase so the preservation of the ecological values needs more focus. To countervail this we divided the park into two territories wich are separated by the main loop path. In the inner territory serves as a relaxation space where the ecosystem services are in foreground. By this the park itself becames the buzz. We placed the intensive landuses as sportgrounds, playgrounds, restaurants etc. outside the main loop path.



Landscaping of the City lake
Rehabiliting the City Park lake (also called Városligeti lake) we plan to reestablish the connections of the different surfaces of the lake, to ensure the water coverage all year round and to create a living, biologically active water surface by breaking up the concrete basin.

Landscaping of the City lake Rehabiliting the City Park lake (also called Városligeti lake) we plan to reestablish the connections of the different surfaces of the lake, to ensure the water coverage all year round and to create a living, biologically active water surface by breaking up the concrete basin.

Visualization - lake side resting place

Visualization - lake side resting place

Visualization - City lake

Visualization - City lake

Biomakery (Water treatment)
Using biotechnologies our engineering team developed a system wich can provide water to the features of the park by utilising the left-over thermal water. This gives the opportunity to use more of it and let he presence of the water became a symbol of the park.

Biomakery (Water treatment) Using biotechnologies our engineering team developed a system wich can provide water to the features of the park by utilising the left-over thermal water. This gives the opportunity to use more of it and let he presence of the water became a symbol of the park.

Visualization - Biomakery / water treatment center

Visualization - Biomakery / water treatment center

Themed playgrounds
While designing the playgrounds, beside the equipments distributed by manufacturers, we sought to create themed elements wich satisfies the motion demands of the children but also starts their imagination and developes their skills. We give these artistical details, forms and colors of dreamlands, fairy tales. For example we designed a water playground using the treated thermal water.

Themed playgrounds While designing the playgrounds, beside the equipments distributed by manufacturers, we sought to create themed elements wich satisfies the motion demands of the children but also starts their imagination and developes their skills. We give these artistical details, forms and colors of dreamlands, fairy tales. For example we designed a water playground using the treated thermal water.

The structure of the promenade has a „v” shape. The side starting from the Heroes square is oriented to the memorial of 1956 creating a visual connection between them.
We also linked the Heroes and the new City Park Theatre with a double tree alley.

Promenade The structure of the promenade has a „v” shape. The side starting from the Heroes square is oriented to the memorial of 1956 creating a visual connection between them. We also linked the Heroes and the new City Park Theatre with a double tree alley.

Visualization - Promenade

Visualization - Promenade

Visualization - Promenade

Visualization - Promenade