
Offener Wettbewerb | 05/2016

Entwicklung eines Stadtparks / Tervjavaslat benyújtása a Liget Budapest Projekt keretén belül a Városliget, mint városi szintű közpark átfogó, kortárs szemléletű fejlesztésére és rehabilitációjára

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„Less is more!”
We believe that contemporary urban parks are experience-oriented open spaces with high comfort level where nature brings the aesthetics of variety and richness.

City Park is transforming now. All institutional developments planned within the framework of ’Liget Budapest’ project will lead to a significant, maximized overload that has to be well-maintained. Because of the high-density, intensive usage we think that the City Park cannot be charged for additional unjustified or unreasonable landscape architectural gestures.

Our aim was to give an answer how to serve long-term needs and increase ecological value in this large urban park while keeping its unique historical heritage in mind. The contrast between the unspoiled nature-like character and the intense active recreational programs can bring a band-new aesthetic quality to the City Park. Mies van der Rohe’s famous quote ‘Less is more’ became our project vision – it perfectly fits to the original idea of this Europe’s first classicist public park just like how it follows the most recent principles of the sustainable landscape design.

We put emphasize improving green space activity options and increasing the quality of services all along the year while offering profitable and professional maintenance. The diversity of heritage in the City Park was considered as a great given. The various historical values were tied into one new overall structure that is contemporary and avoids all unnecessary design gestures. To provide scheduling options was one of the key element in our entry not only building-wise but also in the natural landscape aspect.